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Latin America


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Crisis of the US capitalist model
Latin America
WTO and other international organizations


US busts child smuggling ring (8/12)
IMF's fault, not Argentina's (8/12)
Political costs to Brazil of IMF assistance (8/10)
US to help keep Brazil afloat (8/7)
The tragedy of US border policy (8/5)
Brazil's finances look shaky (8/4)
Brazil has put in place a giant radar system to spy on the Amazon (7/27)
Protests in Peru against free market capitalism (7/18)
Drug lords of Colombia use social network analysis (7/13)
Evo Morales comes on strong in Bolivian elections (7/12)
Has Lula reformed enough for the New York Times? (7/7)
Bolivia's elections (6/30)
Gangs rule the slums of Brazil (6/28)
Europe courts Chile (6/25)
Bush, Enron, and Argentina (5/25)